Textbooks for Tanzania


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Just like parents in America, the parents in Tanzania value education. The parents pray their children will have a better life. Every student wants the opportunity to fulfill their dream .....to be a teacher, a doctor, a farmer, or an engineer. Education is their hope for the future.



The ratio of textbooks to students is one book for every ten students.  It is only through the determination of these students and the dedication on the part of the teachers that the students learn what they do. These students have respect for their teachers and for learning.


Experience the joy in helping a student learn!

Your donation of $10, $20, $50 or $100 is appreciated. These textbooks will be purchased at the Christian Bookstore in Moshi, Tanzania.

 The subjects that are taught include:

  • Bible knowledge
  • Biology               
  • Chemistry          
  • Civics                 
  • English               
  • Geography        
  • History              
  • Mathematics     
  • Physics